In line with ICT Park’s CSR;

Students of Communication Sciences at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Visited ICT Park's Mashhad Branch

14 June 2023 | 10:17 Code : 935 News and Events
ICT Park's PR: In line with ICT Park’s Corporate Social Responsibility, students of Social Communication Sciences from University of Ferdowsi, visited the Mashhad branch of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Park on June 17th, 2023, to learn about the ecosystem of innovation and technology as well as the environment of new businesses in the field of digital content production.
Students of Communication Sciences at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Visited ICT Park's Mashhad Branch

These students were accompanied by Dr. Abbas Ghanbari Bagestan, a University of Tehran's Faculty Member and the Consulter for ICT Park Communication and International Affairs; Engineer Khalili, President of ICT Park’s Mashhad Branch, and Eng. Javad Yazdanpanah, Deputy of ICT Park’s Technology Development.
The ICT Park's Mashhad branch, identified as the Media Park or the first special Park for digital content production in east part of Iran, was established in the old building of Mashhad's Post Office. This branch has an area of about 3000. 50% of the space of this Park is dedicated to the production of media content, which so far, has provided many opportunities for entrepreneurship and exporting Iran's cultural data and is considered a priority for ICT Park.
Two main accelerators that are ICT Park's partners, including "Green Tech" and "Nitech" are located in this branch. These two accelerators support startups with different programs such as training, and specialized acceleration.
During this visit, students of communication sciences at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad learned about producing digital content, besides marketing and selling the products.
These programs included visiting the studio infrastructure including Chromakey studio (Parde Sabz), TV, cinema and special effects studios and a sound studio with 2 podcast studios and a dubbing studio.
During this visit, which was also attended by an academic delegation from the Universiti Putra Malaysia, Executive Director of the Nitech accelerator introduced goals and activities of this accelerator.
Next, the students of communication sciences at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad visited different technology companies, including Betatik, Appdoz and Iran Faragir to learn about their activities closely. Also, during this visit, students had the opportunity to communicate and interact with the officials and managers of the technology companies, and they could visit the latest achievements of these companies. 
It should be noted that the activities pursued by the technology companies associated with the Mashhad branch of ICT Park include the preparation, production and editing of different animations, games, videos, podcasts, news agencies, channels, shopping websites, social pages and similar items.
The most important infrastructures in the Mashhad branch of ICT Park, include the following items:
•    Shared workspace: 270 desks to use shared workspace facilities; 
•    Specialized accelerators: Green Tech and Nitech;
•    Startup studios: These studios host only 3 to 5 startups annually in order to maintain the quality of education and increase the probability of success for those startups participating in this plan; 
•    Specialized content production studios: A total of 8 audio and video studios with an area of 1,000 square meters are available to interested individuals and also experts in content production; 
•    Education and entrepreneurship academy: Startups can benefit from the pieces of trainings provided by the accelerators located in the Mashhad branch to increase their growth speed; 
•    Specialized mentoring: In line with empowering the associated startups, this center offers various consulting sessions regarding business model design and formulation, market and customer analysis, minimum acceptable product and other stages of successful startup launching;
•    Investment and commercialization: Services related to this category are available to support entrepreneurs and business owners. In this way, entrepreneurs can receive the capital they need to increase the speed of developing high-quality products; 
•    Investment and acceleration: In order to help startups accelerate, this center provides investment and acceleration services to startups for a duration of  4 months.
Additionally, training technology teams and helping to form them, establishing startups and coaching elite individuals to turn ideas into ready-to-use products are among  other services provided by the accelerators in the Mashhad branch of ICT Park to the beneficiaries, which includes  young and elite ideators. These accelerators aim to improve the skill level of idea makers by providing an educational platform in an entrepreneurial environment, thereby   leading them to further progress.
At the end of this visit, a specialized meeting was held regarding communication and media with the presence of students of Social Communication Sciences at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in which Dr. Mohd Nizam Osman, Professor of Media and Communication at Universiti Putra Malaysia lectured for the audiences.


tags: iCT Park’s Public Relations ICT Park’s Mashhad Branch Students of Communication Sciences Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Abbas Ghanbari Bagestan

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