The DG of the Middle East Region of the Senegal’s MFA Visited ICT Park's Smart Greenhouse

04 October 2023 | 14:02 Code : 1018 News and Events
ICT Park's PR: Othman Diop, Director-General of the Middle East Region in Senegal's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and his accompanying delegation visited ICT Park's Smart Greenhouse which is based on the Internet of Things on Wednesday, October 4the, 1402.
The DG of the Middle East Region of the Senegal’s MFA Visited ICT Park's Smart Greenhouse

At the outset of this visit, Mrs. Maedeh Hatefi, ICT Park's Smart Greenhouse Expert, welcomed the guests and introduced ICT Park's Smart Greenhouse. She also provided explanations regarding the method of cultivation, the type of substrates used for the propagation of plant species, and the yield and cultivation in the Greenhouse besides different methods for measuring different parameters, including light, temperature, humidity etc.
"The advantages of and IoT Greenhouse include less water consumption in the process of growing plants, reducing human intervention in the process of planting and harvesting crops, and harvesting more crops in comparison to the traditional greenhouses. In this Greenhouse, different plants are cultivated in a controlled environment and with the intention of controlling all the required parameters with an optimal source usage. For example, due to temperature control in this environment, heating devices will be in optimal mode," mentioned the Greenhouse Expert.
"Considering the mentioned advantages, the goal for establishing a Smart Greenhouse is to network different Greenhouses across Iran and provide smart cultivation patterns which means that this Greenhouse is capable of connecting external spaces and rearranging them in an IoT-based network,” Hatefi continued.
Later, Mr. Osman Diop, Director-General of the Middle East Region in Senegal's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, expressed his appreciation of the explanations provided by the Smart Greenhouse Expert, the progress of ICT Park in the field of agriculture, and especially, the functionality of ICT Park's IoT Greenhouse in the process of growing plants: These modern technologies are suitable for countries like Senegal regarding the climatic conditions in the African continent; hence, we need these technologies to create a positive change in our agriculture" he said. 
 ".The different other technologies that you use besides IoT technology in the field of agriculture are also remarkable and can be applicable to the in Senegal too. I hope that in the future we can use your experiences in the field of agriculture," indicated the Director-General of the Middle East Region in Senegal's Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the end of this visit.
It is worth mentioning that during the visit to ICT Park companies, the companions of the Director-General of the Middle East Region in Senegal's Ministry of Foreign Affairs included Dr. Abbas Ghanbari Baghestan, Advisor for ICT Park Communication and International Affairs; Mr. Abu Walker, Representative of the Republic of Senegal's Embassy in Iran; Mr. Seyed Nasser Ghafari, Head of the Senegal's Desk in Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Eng. Mohammad Ali Jafari, the Director of ICT Park’s Techno-units’ Development Center, and Eng. Javad Yazdan Panah, the Deputy of ICT Park’s Technology Development.


tags: iCT Park’s Public Relations

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