Grants and Funding


Technology Development Credit

Studies show a strong correlation between research and development expenditures and economic growth in many countries, which has led investment in the research and development sector to be considered as an engine of economic growth. In our country, the share of the private research and development sector is much lower compared to the public sector, which shows the weakness of the research structure in the country's production and service institutions, and for this reason, the role of support structures such as growth centers and science and technology parks in this sector is of great importance.

Considering the type and age of the companies located in ICT Park and in line with the mission of the park, which focuses on the development of these companies’ products and market, increasing the companies’ research and development capacity, laying the groundwork for creating new products or improvement of existing products and increasing the market share of the companies have always been considered in the design of the system. Therefore, in order to support technology companies and help them with technology improvement, the Information and Communication Technology Park offers credits called “Product Development Grant”. This is a Venture Grant and payment and repayment of the grant are subject to the specific conditions. 

Product development grant is paid to Minimum Viable Products (MVP) or Bench Scale Products (BSP(. This grant is offered based on technical and business evaluations of the project and through specific processes, which is publicly announced to the eligible applicants. However, the terms and conditions for receiving the grant are as follows:

•    Product Development Grant is offered only to the companies based in ICT Park and its branches. 
•    ICT Park supports those companies whose product development projects are selected through special evaluations for technology development grants. In other words, not necessarily all the companies based in ICT Park will be eligible to receive this credit.
•    ICT Park provides grant funding according to: a) notification based on approval, b) allocation based on work progress and periodic evaluations, c) payment based on financial documents/proof of necessary credits in line with product development). 
•    Grant Allocation Conditions: 
    The company needs to be listed on the Stock Market, or have a Financial Transparency Certificate from ICT Park
•    The amount of financial support can be increased up to 50% of the declared grant in each call. Priority activity fields are selected by the Park’s scientific council and announced in each call.

For more information on this credit, please refer to the instructions and worksheets or contact the Center for the Development of Technology Units.