With the Presence of ICT Park;

Telecom Exhibition Started with the Slogan "Digital Transformation and Connectivity"

23 December 2023 | 20:52 Code : 1071 News and Events
ICT Park's PR: ICT Park participated in the 24th International Telecom Exhibition which was held in Tehran International Exhibition Center with the presence of national and foreign companies with its slogan being "Digital Transformation and Connectivity".
Telecom Exhibition Started with the Slogan "Digital Transformation and Connectivity"

The 24th Telecommunications, Information Technology and Digital Economy (Telecom) Exhibition was held with the presence of over 150 national companies and 6 Chinese companies in an area of 22 thousand square meters. The attending officials in this exhibition included Iran's Vice-President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Iran's Deputy-Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade, the Deputy Minister of Technology and Innovation in Iran’s Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Russia's representative Science and Technology Adviser, Philippine's Ambassador and other officials.
Telecom Exhibition hosts 160 national and foreign companies and trade delegations from 9 different countries in an area of 22 thousand square meters with a growth of 125%, compared to previous years. 
It is worth mentioning that interested individuals can visit ICT Park's stand in the permanent location of Tehran International Exhibition Center, Hall 10, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. It is remarkable that ICT Park is a hub for technology development in the field of information and communication technology as well as a provider of different services, facilities and equipment for national technology companies in the field of I.C.T.


tags: iCT Park’s Public Relations Telecom Exhibition

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