Grants & Services
Every science and technology park and incubation center that has successfully joined DEDN can benefit from a variety of ICT Park’s funding and support programs. The details of some of the most important funding programs are as follows:
Javaneh Grant
With the aim of contributing to the development of its members, especially active growth centers and accelerators, the Digital Economy Development Network (DEDN) has extensive promotional and support programs focused on network members. Javaneh Grant is among the most important ones, which provides support for theses/dissertations dealing with market-oriented ideas in the field of ICT.
Information and Communication Technology Park in cooperation with Technology Affairs Planning Office of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology has designed and launched a Technology Grant Program (Javaneh) with the aim of enhancing technology development capacity in educational and research centers, providing support for people with technology ideas to produce MVPs, contributing towards enhancing the quality of the management system, awarding the Science and Technology Parks grant and enhancing the level of cooperation between the parks and the universities. The program is designed in such a way that all participants, including the technology core applying for the grant such as supervisors and students, University, Science and Technology Park, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, applicant knowledge-based technology company, provincial research and technology fund, play a role in forming this chain and benefit from each other's capacities and capabilities in order to manage the country's technology ecosystem.
General Objectives
Primary Objectives
• Economic development and deepening of ICT technologies in order to increase competitiveness
• Development of start-up businesses in the field of ICT in order to pave the way for the presence of companies developed in ICT Park, especially in the priority areas of ICT Park
• Attracting academic ideas and reversing the migration process
Secondary Objectives
• Upgrading the grant awarding system and technology management of the country with the help of affiliated centers
• Collaboration in producing an MVP and providing the conditions for team development and job creation
• Financial support for theses and dissertations dealing with new ideas
Target Community
Postgraduate and doctoral students with market-oriented and technology ideas are considered as the main target community of this project.
Project Acceptance Process
• Public call by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
• Registration of executive centers in Ministry of Science, Research and Technology website
• Completion of related worksheets in Ministry of Science, Research and Technology website
• Request Assessment by the Park’s executive center
• Holding defense meetings and Parsa Admission Council meeting (Executive Park)
• Announcement of accepted projects by the executive park
• Assessment of the projects accepted by the executive centers in ICT Park’s Admission Council
• Final Announcement of accepted projects by ICT Park
Roshd (Growth) Grant
Technology Grant (Roshd) is one of the most important grants of Digital Economy Development Network (DEDN), which focuses on network members and supports the development of ICT products manufactured in companies located in the network’s affiliated growth centers. The grant is offered to the companies based in DEDN member centers.
Roshd Grant is given only to technology companies under the auspices of the DEDN member centers. The centers interested in receiving such support must become members of DEDN once all the admission requirements are met.
Through this grant, which is carried out in cooperation with DEDN’s member parks, ICT Park supports the projects that develop technology products under the auspices of the member centers. Call for Roshd Grant is announced twice a year through DEDN’s members in member provinces.
General Goals
Under the process management of ICT Park, this support plan is designed and implemented with the aim of helping the growth and development of the products, turning Minimum Viable Product (MVP) into a Bench Scale Product (BSP), and upgrading the technology level to increase market readiness for growth companies based in DEDN centers.
The Grant’s Objectives:
• Fostering synergy and enhancing cooperation between local parks with the aim of developing the country's digital economy
• Development of start-ups and upgrading the level of technology in the field of ICT
• Contributing to the products growth and development and turning an MVP into a BSP
• Upgrading the level of technology to increase market readiness
• Creating the ground for growth and development of ICT products and services throughout the country along with increasing competitiveness
Target Population
Credits will only be awarded to the technology companies based in the network or applicants with an MVP in the related project seeking establishment in DEDN’S member centers.
Admission Process
1. Executive center admission, Grant amount determination by the executive center and other sponsors, and introduction to the ICT Park. Initial admission is done through the executive center by observing the following criteria:
• Registration and admission based on the Public Call
• Technical and business assessment
• Admission by the relative council in the executive center
• Sending the results of the admission council’s assessments to the ICT Park
2. ICT Park’s Admission Steps:
• Technical and business assessment of the cases referred by the executing center
Note: In case the admission system of the executive center is approved by the ICT Park and the judges of the executive center also hold the ICT Park’s license, the case will be exempt from technical and business assessment.
• ICT Park Admission Council decision
• Announcing the result to the executive center
Participants of the First Rosh Grant Call
1) East Azerbaijan Science & Technology Park
2) Yazd Science &Technology Park
3) Fars Science &Technology Park
4) Arak Science &Technology Park
5) Semnan Science &Technology Park
6) Growth Center of The Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research
DEDN Skills Courses
In line with the role of the Digital Economy Development Network (DEDN) and in order to support technological units in the field of ICT, as well as to enhance the skills of graduates entering the labor market, with the aim of cultivating the entrepreneurial force and developing knowledge-based entrepreneurship, ICT Park supports the holding of skill-based trainings in the provinces covered by the DEDN as a joint activity between ICT Park, the province and the private sector within the framework of the relevant guidelines.
This grant supports the holding of practical skills training courses including seasonal schools, boot camps and other skills courses in the field of ICT among DEDN members.
These courses are held in order to increase knowledge level and improve the practical skills of people, especially students, before entering the labor market, and can be considered as one of the entrepreneurial value creation solutions in view of the scientific and operational capabilities of universities and member executive centers.
Main Audience
• Students and graduates (before entering the labor market)
• Universities
• DEDN’s executive centers, and the private sector or experienced educational centers which are capable of holding training and skill courses
DEDN Supporting Skills Courses
Skill Course: Short-term project-oriented courses that lead participants to the labor market.
Boot Camp: Intensive specialized training courses with the aim of networking and effective communication between participants and trainers.
Seasonal schools: A short-term project-oriented course (one week to 3 months) with the aim of preparing participants to enter the labor market. Participants will be trained in a specific field and participate in various professional and cultural activities.
ICT Park Scholarship
Eligible Groups:
• All employees in companies based in ICT Park (50% discount)
• Family members covered by the Imam Khomeini Relief and Welfare Committee (70% discount)
• Family members of employees of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and subordinate institutions (50% discount)
• Family members of employees of ICT Park (60% discount)
• All the employees of Technology Units based in DEDN member parks (30% discount)
• Two-thirds of the total applicants will benefit from ICT Park based on the time of registration.