During the Mayor of Garmdareh's Visit to ICT Park;

Dr. Sadigh: We are ready to assist the Municipality to turn Garmdereh into a smart city

14 December 2022 | 19:46 Code : 732 News and Events
ICT Park's PR: In line with the social responsibilities and commitments of ICT Park to provide for the development of local communities, in a meeting with Eng. Masoud Najafi, the Mayor of Garmdereh, the President of ICT Park stated: "ICT Park is ready to play its part in developing Garmdereh and turn it into a smart city in Alborz province.”
Dr. Sadigh: We are ready to assist the Municipality to turn Garmdereh into a smart city

Eng. Masoud Najafi, with an accompanying delegation from the Municipality and other local authorities of Garmdarah City, visited the Information and Communication Technology Park on December 14th, 2022. 

At the beginning of this meeting, Dr. Mohammad Jafar Sadigh Damghanizadeh, the Advisor to the Minister and the President of ICT Park, welcomed the visitors and clarified his experiences in knowledge-based companies: "After several years of work, we have come to this conclusion that the technology sector should be formed in a private sector and the government should support the private sector to form technology companies. Therefore, for entering the field of I.CT. is not simply a requirement but a serious must; since if we want Iran's progress, we need to develop the economy I.CT," he said. 

"In the 40s and 50s, most of the profits were in production. In the 70s and 90s, they became similar, and in the 90s and later on, the main profit is in innovation and marketing; hence, parks are identified as the source of wealth production in the future," said the Advisor to the Minister and the President of ICT Park, regarding the profit situation in the three sectors of innovation, production, and marketing.

“Garmdereh too has a potentially great perspective because many people who would work in the Park could live in this city. The Park has the capacity for gathering 5000 researchers who can migrate to Garmdereh City and Jahannama Town, changing the urban fabric of these two cities,” continued Dr. Sedigh Damghanizadeh, referring to Khomeinishahr's experience of development because of Isfahan Scientific and Technology Town as a parallel example.

In this meeting, Masoud Najafi, the Mayor of Garmdereh, stated that the goal of the Municipality is to transform Garmdereh into a smart city. He emphasized on planning to increase cooperation areas between this Municipality and ICT Park and to provide a suitable platform for their mutual participation in conducting local development programs.

At the end of this meeting, the Mayor of Garmdereh visited different parts of ICT Park with his accompanying delegation.

tags: iCT Park’s Public Relations ict park the Mayor of Garmdareh's Smart city Jafar Sadigh Damghanizadeh

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