The Sixth Issue of ICT Park Newsletter Published

29 October 2021 | 14:00 Code : 317 News and Events
ICT Park’s PR: The sixth issue of ICT Park’s trilingual Newsletter, exclusive for August-September 2021, was published with a News approach and with Dr. Mohammad Jafar Sadigh Damghanizadeh as the Managing Editor and Dr. Abbas Ghanbari Baghestan as the Editor-in-chief.
The Sixth Issue of ICT Park Newsletter Published

The sixth issue of ICT Park’s trilingual Newsletter, the official Newsletter of ICT Park, consists of six main sections, which  respectively are: “ICT Park’s Latest News,” “Ideation (Discussion / Interview),” “Introduction of the Products of ICT Park’s Member Techno-Companies,” “Calls and Announcements,” “Arabic Section” and “English Section” .

The Editorial page of ICT Park’s Newsletter contains: 

“The sixth issue of ICT Park’s trilingual Newsletter, exclusive for August-September 2021, has been published. As in the previous issue, due to the wide range of audience and to further attract regional and international addresses, this issue has been arranged in Persian, Arabic, and English and made accessible for the audience and those interested to follow the news. 

In August-September, in terms of development, ICT Park witnessed three important accomplishments : first, the number of the Park’s member Techno-Companies increased to 55. Second, the new edition of ICT Park’s “Technology Atlas” was also published. Third, the guideline for granting the “Product Development Credit”, exclusive to the Park’s techno-companies, was finalized. All three achievements , based on the Park’s policy and plan priorities in supporting and providing services to active and developed young techno-companies in the ICT domain , can be considered as a crucial step in the fulfillment of the motto of the year : “the year of production ; Support , Removal of the Obstacles”

In August-September, the Park released a collection of educational video clips entitled “From Idea to Creation” with the aim of propagating Modern Governance Discourse  in ICT Parks and the public mind , and also institutionalizing the new approaches in the development of modern businesses such as in the domains of Startups , SMEs , New Technology , ICT, etc.

As in the previous issues, in addition to the sections of “Park Introduction,” “the Latest News,” “Calls and Announcements” and “Introduction of Techno-Companies’ Products,” “the Ideation Section”, compatible with Park’s policies, programs, and the main agenda, is also available.

In the Ideation Section, the main purpose is to analyze the lived experiences of ICT Park’s Management Team, the viewpoints of the experts and professionals in the field, in addition to the ideas of ICT authorities and other domains relevant to the aim of development and propagation of “the Modern Governance Discourse” in ICT Parks.” The outcome of this analysis in appropriation with the latest achievements, developments, and the discourses of this field will be available for the enthusiasts. In this issue, the topic of “Digital Content Production and Its Future Importance” has been discussed and a picture of the Park’s innovative measures in this regard has also been provided.

Complementary details of all the news, information, and reports related to ICT Park’s activities are also available on the Park’s trilingual website ( Those interested can refer to this website for further information.”

To see the sixth issue of ICT Park’s trilingual Newsletter, kindly click here.

tags: iCT Park’s Public Relations ICT Park Newsletter

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