In the Visit of Pars Technology Sadad Company's CEO;

Fields for Joint Cooperation Were Explored Between ICT Park and Sadad Pars Technology Company

10 January 2023 | 09:16 Code : 744 News and Events
ICT Park's PR: With the aim of examining the fields of joint cooperation, Pars Technology Sadad Company's Managing Directors besides its Heads of the Board of Directors, affiliated to Bank Melli Iran and Iran Telecommunications Industries, visited ICT Park on January 10, 2023.
Fields for Joint Cooperation Were Explored Between ICT Park and Sadad Pars Technology Company

At the beginning of this visit, Dr. Mohammad Jafar Sadigh Damghanizadeh, the Advisor to the Minister and the President of ICT Park, welcomed the visitors, presenting his experiences regarding Park management: "This is the first Park that a ministry has designed economically, so we call it the market-side Park. The significant point here is what we do and not the grounds or the buildings," he said. 
He pointed out the difference between the post-sanction period of Japan and North Korea and the successful experience of Bank Melli Iran in developing the financial-social platform of "Bale": "We intend to convince our elites to stay in Iran and the day the sanctions are lifted, Iran's technology shall flow from inside the country to flow to the whole world", he added. 
Then, Dr. Sadigh Damghanizadeh explained the possibility and assessed the scope and methods of joint cooperation between the two parties in the short and medium terms, including the intended type of agreements, the type of management, methods for providing equipment and product development grants, the suitable method for naming and branding the companies, and the suggested methods of financing the project: "We aim to lower your investment risk. For instance, we can gather elite young individuals in the form of a development company, we will provide you with the required amount of money, equipment, and technology to solve some of your crucial problems," he said. 
The adviser to the Minister of Communication stated that increasing the speed of access to financial sources is one of the advantages of this method: "In the medium term, by using the innovation center model, we will  take less energy, divide the product development grants and invest in a relatively long-term idea," he said. We can also have some mentors. The significant point is that each work should turn into a product and a company. 
The President of Information and Communication Technology Park also introduced ICT Park's branches in Mashhad, Sari, and Semnan, expressing hope that in the near future, the cooperation between ICT Park and Sadad Pars Technology Company will continue in the Mashhad branch. 
In the continuation of this meeting, Dr. Abolqhasem Sadeghi, the CEO of Pars Technology Sadad Company, expressed his satisfaction with their presence in ICT Park and the impending cooperation with the Park: "Pars Technology Sadad Company occupations include providing banking infrastructures and equipment. We also have products that are transformed into laboratory and commercial products in the R&D (Research and development) phases," he said. 
He stated that the management style, technology, and legal trends of banking are subject to constant updates in both Iran and all around the world: "There is a lot of potential for innovation in the monetary, financial, and payment, and in case we aim for good directions and employ new capacities, we can invest properly in information technology field," he added. 
In the end, Dr. Sadeghi emphasized the necessity of low-cost information technology investment in data and transaction-based industry in the initial phases and also listed the potentials, motivations, and limitations of Pars Technology Sadad Company in entering this field: "Of course, we are also looking for proper solutions to secure the interests of Pars Company and create new opportunities and values so that our new services shall be eventually provided to serve our nation," he added. 
It should be mentioned that after the meeting, the directors of Pars Sadad Technology and Iran Telecommunications Industries visited the different parts of the Park, including the Smart Greenhouse based on the Internet of Things and the Park's multi-purpose structures, with the aim of getting more familiar with the Park. 
On behalf of Pars Technology Sadad Company Mr. Ahmedreza Nasr Esfahani, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Abulghasem Sadeghi, the CEO, and on behalf of Iran Telecommunication Industry, Mr. Masih Ghaemian, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Seyed Hossein Ziaei, the CEO were present in this visit. 
Additionally, on behalf of ICT Park, besides Dr. Mohammad Jafar Sadigh Damghanizadeh, the Advisor to the Minister and the President of ICT Park, Eng. Yazdanpanah, the Deputy of ICT Park’s Technology Development, and Eng. Jafari, the Director of ICT Park’s Techno-Units’ Development Center, were also present at this meeting.


tags: iCT Park’s Public Relations ict park Sadad Pars Technology Company joint cooperation

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