New and Developmental Programs for Information and Communication Technology Park were Introduced

02 October 2022 | 14:55 Code : 683 News and Events
ICT Park’s PR: A periodic meeting of the CEOs of member companies with the President of ICT Park was held on Sunday, October 2, 2022, with the aim of getting the companies to know each other, discussing the current problems of the companies, and informing about the upcoming plans of ICT Park.
New and Developmental Programs for Information and Communication Technology Park were Introduced

Dr. Mohammad Jafar Sadigh Damghanizadeh, Advisor to the Minister and President of Information and Communications Technology Park, while welcoming the CEOs of the member companies, in a meeting that is held periodically with the aim of getting the companies to know each other, discussing the existing problems of the companies, and informing about ICT Park’s programs, announced the “notification of the second call for developmental grants”, “notification of the second call for innovation cluster grants with the aim of creating new companies with participation of existing companies”, “starting the process of forming a number of software required for the basis of the national information network by ICT Park’s companies”, “updating the rate related to the long-term exploitation right of ICT Park’s lands”, and “beginning of the long-term exploitation right transfer process in Mashhad and transfer of cooperative tower construction in ICT Park’s sites in Alborz and Mashhad.” 

In the meeting, also, Dr. Mohammad Jafar Sadigh Damghanizadeh presented a report on Park’s recent activities in connection with international cooperations, including Africa, which was welcomed by the managers of technology companies present at the meeting. 

As the meeting continued, a question-and-answer session was held between the companies and the President of ICT Park related to the problems connected with the crisis of migration of human resources and knowledge-based companies, benefits of using free zones to increase the power of companies, reducing costs and increase competitive advantage, benefits of internationalization of knowledge-based companies and facilitation of international communications by ICT Park, issues related to IC supply crisis and solutions to get out of the crisis, supplying and accepting companies in the stock market, and creating a permanent exhibition of products in ICT Park.

It must be mentioned that the periodic meeting of ICT Park’s member companies was held with the presence of senior officials of ICT Park and CEOs of Arg Telecom Company (ATC), Nour Behineh Gostar Middle East, Rasha Strategic Management Company, Arman Derakhshan Paya Company, Arad Control Industrial Group, Kaizen Company, ESM Company, Paya Afzar Gostar Sadra, Madycom IT Company, HBSCO, Farafan Eng. Company, Pishgaman Fara Resaneh Soroush, Teamyar Kish, Mana Andisheh Setareh Khavaran, Samatoos, Ara Electronic Afzar, Rahbar Niroo Khorasan, Green Web Samaneh Novin, IdeBekr Mobin, Mahak Software Consultant, and Arshian Azar Mehr Fanavar. 

tags: iCT Park’s Public Relations ICT park's developmental Programs Jafar Sadigh Damghanizadeh CEOs of the member companies

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