Dr. Sadigh Damghanizadeh: ICT Park is Interested in Starting Strategic Cooperation with Russian Technology Companies

03 September 2022 | 22:14 Code : 613 News and Events
ICT Park's PR: Mr. Iurii Kirianov, Deputy Commercial Representative of the Embassy of the Russian Federation and the representative of Rostec State Corporation in Tehran, visited ICT Park on August 29th, 2022, besides Mr. Aleksander Fominykh, the employee of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Tehran, intending to get familiar with ICT Park and explore the potentials for strategic cooperation.
Dr. Sadigh Damghanizadeh:  ICT Park is Interested in Starting Strategic Cooperation with Russian Technology Companies

Dr. Sadigh Damghanizadeh, the Advisor to the Minister and the President of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Park, welcomed them and expressed ICT Park's interest in establishing joint strategic cooperation with Rostec Company, aiming to achieve new modern technologies.

The Advisor to the Minister and the President of the Information and Communication Technology Park introduced ICT Park's main fields of activity as information and communication technology while noting that there is also a great potential for cooperation regarding civil air space industries. 

Dr. Sadigh Damghanizadeh presented "developing the cooperation between ICT Park's private companies and Rostec Company" and "creating a joint innovation center with Rostec in ICT Park" as ICT Park's proposals for cooperation with Russia. He also pointed out that ICT Park will play a facilitating role in developing cooperation between different private companies in both countries. 

Regarding the establishment of a joint innovation center with Rostec in ICT Park, he noted that ICT Park would be responsible for providing the major part of the required infrastructure. 

Next, Mr. Iurii Kirianov, Deputy Commercial Representative of the Embassy of the Russian Federation and the representative of Rostec State Corporation in Tehran, thanked ICT Park for holding this meeting and introduced Rostec Company noting that it has multiple branches in 48 different countries all around the world, including Tehran. 

The representative of Rostec State Corporate in Tehran remarked that Rostec State Corporation was established with the aim of developing, producing, and exporting industrial products with advanced technology and has multiple holdings, one of which is active in the field of ICT.

In the end,  Rostec State Corporation promised to review the proposals offered by Information and Communication Technology Park and announce its final decision.

It is worth mentioning that besides Dr. Sadigh Damghanizadeh and Mr. Iurii Kirianov; Mr. Aleksander Fominykh, the Employee of the Russian Federation in Tehran; Dr. Ghanbari Baghestan, the Consulter for ICT Park Communication and International Affairs; Eng. Yazdanpanah, Deputy President for ICT Park’s Technology Development, and Eng. Jafari, Deputy President for ICT Park Market Development were also present in this meeting.

The meeting was concluded with a visit to Arg Telecom Company and ICT Park's Smart IoT Greenhouse.

tags: iCT Park’s Public Relations Rostec Strategic Cooperation Russian Technology Companies

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