The Seventh Issue of ICT Park Newsletter Published
The seventh issue of ICT Park’s Trilingual Newsletter, the official Newsletter of ICT Park, consists of six main sections, which are respectively “ICT Park’s Latest News,” “Ideation (Discussion / Interview),” “Introduction of the Products of ICT Park’s Member Techno-Companies,” “Calls and Announcements,” “Arabic Section” , and “English Section.”
The Editorial Page of ICT Park’s Newsletter contains:
“The seventh issue of ICT Park’s Trilingual Newsletter, exclusive for September-October 2021, has been published. As in the previous issue, due to the wide range of audience and to further attract regional and international addresses, this issue has been arranged in Persian, Arabic, and English and made accessible for the audience and those interested.
In September-October, ICT Park witnessed the publication of several detailed reports of the activities and specialized and exclusive performances of the Park, aimed at documentation and recording of activities related to the Modern Governance in ICT Parks, and setting an example in the country. Some of the most important reports are as follows:
- “The Membership of the Parks and Growth Centers in the TOD Network”;
- “The Experimental Call for the Sprout Grant in the TOD Network”;
- “The Implementation of the Budgeting based on performance”;
- “The First Call for the Growth Research Grant in the TOD Network”. The digital version of this report can be found on ICT Park’s Website.
As in the previous issues, apart from the sections of “Park Introduction,” “The Latest News,” “Calls and Announcements” and “Introduction of Techno-Companies’ Products,” the “Ideation Section”, compatible with Park’s policies, programs, and the main agenda, is also available.
In the Ideation Section, the main purpose is to analyze the lived experiences of ICT Park’s Management Team, the viewpoints of the experts and professionals in this field, in addition to the ideas of ICT authorities and other domains relevant to the aim of development and propagation of “the Modern Governance Discourse” in ICT Parks.” The outcome of this analysis in appropriation with the latest achievements, developments, and the discourses of this field will be available for the enthusiasts. In this issue, the subject of “Internet of Things” (IOT) and its importance in the country has been explored in a discussion with Dr. Hossein Shaban Ali Fami.
Complementary details of all the news, information, and reports related to ICT Park’s activities are also available on the Park’s trilingual website ( Those interested can refer to this website for further information.”
To see the seventh issue of ICT Park’s Trilingual Newsletter, click here.
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