In the presence of ICT Park’s President;

The Park’s Processes and Information System (SAFAVA) was Unveiled

01 November 2021 | 14:09 Code : 319 News and Events
ICT Park’s PR: the ceremony of unveiling the Park’s Processes and Information System (SAFAVA) was held online and in-person, on Wednesday 13 October, 2021, with the presence of ICT Park’s President and CEOs of the Park’s member-companies.
The Park’s Processes and Information System (SAFAVA) was Unveiled

After welcoming the CEOs of the member-companies, Dr. Mohammad Jafar Sadigh Damghanizadeh, Minister’s Advisor and President of ICT Park, emphasized the importance of the activation of the Park’s main functions and performances in the current year and said: " this year, the main functions and performances of ICT Park (Establishment of Labs, bestowal of Grants, etc.) should be activated.

The Minister’s Advisor and ICT Park’s President  introduced the two grants of “ Technology Development " and "Innovation Clustering with the Open Innovation Approach” and affirmed: “to choose the grants, the goal , financial scope, and methodology must be well – considered  and in case of a lack of compatibility with the goals and capabilities of the company in question , they should not be chosen ; as this would be a waste of time and cost .The purpose of ICT Park’s Innovation Clusters’ Support Credit is to create a good combination of large companies with market , ideas , and new cores.”

Dr. Mohammad Jafar Sadigh Damghanizadeh considered the aim of the bestowal of the Technology Development Grant as upgrading the companies’ existing products. He stated: “the share of the Park in this grant is 12 times the average dealings. The way it works is that up to 70% of the total credit, 40%  of the costs is paid by the Company and 60% is provided by the Park. The objective of this grant is to upgrade the companies’ existing products.”

With regards to the bestowal manner of the Technology Development Grant, he noted: " the money that the member-company and ICT Park assume is deposited into a certain fund and from there and on the basis of the companies’ performance, the payments are allocated. This method of payment is called the Proxy Payment.  In other words, the proxy method is based on the progress of the work progress and provision of acceptable cost documents. The Technology Development Grant is suitable for companies wishing to own their proposed plan and operating through an Employee System.”

Concerning the importance of continuation of the use of newly created systems in ICT Parks such as ICT Park’s BPMS System, and the Financial System,  the Minister’s Advisor and ICT Park’s President regarded these systems as means for better communication between the Park and member-companies . He remarked: “The Park tries to upgrade itself in different areas . The systems such as ICT Park’s BPMS and the Financial System have been designed to enhance the communication between the Park and member-companies. Also, by using the above-mentioned platforms, the face-to-face visits can  be reduced.”

Finally, the President of ICT Park, while introducing the Park’s trilingual website and announcing the plan of the assignment of the right to long exploitation, asked the COEs of the member-companies to use the created systems in the Park. As the creation of Services without the support of others would mean the gradual death of those Services.

Later, Dr. Mehdi Keshmiri, member of Isfahan Polytechnic University’s Academic Board and member of the Innovation and Prosperity Fund’s Board of Directors,  introduced the Park’s Processes and Information System and said: “this system is based upon BPMS (Business Process Management System). Due to the extension of ICT Park in different provinces and the breakdown of Techno-units, this system is created with the aim of facilitating better interaction between the Park and member-companies.”

The member of the Innovation Prosperity Fund’s Board of Directors added:   “ the BPMs System process-centered   and data collection will typically be made possible in the formation and execution of  processes. The System is founded on the interaction with companies and since two legal groups (the Park as a State Organization and the company as a part of the private sector) are in interaction with each other, such a relation should be legally meaningful. For this purpose, company managers will be the first priority in accessing the System as  users. Additionally, based on the CEOs’ request, the applicant delegates will also be made  users.”

Lastly, Dr. Keshmiri  called the " existence of  the Park’s service provision tools  for the institutes”, “companies’ easy access to the Park’s management body”, " quick and easy communications " , and " having a coherent and transparent information collection " as the foundations for the creation of the BPMs System.

It should be noted that at the end of the meeting, the software environment of ICT Park’s Processes and Information System was reviewed, followed by a Q&A session.

tags: iCT Park’s Public Relations Processes and Information System SAFAVA Unveiling

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