The New Version of ICT Park’s Resident/Member Companies’ Technology Atlas Issued

22 September 2021 | 15:11 Code : 271 News and Events
ICT Park’s PR: ICT Park, aiming at technological deepening of member companies and in compliance with its main mission to identify techno- companies and issuing Activity Permits for them, published the new version of the Resident/Member Companies’ Technology Atlas , in 444 pages.
The New Version of ICT Park’s Resident/Member Companies’ Technology Atlas Issued

ICT Park’s Resident/Member Companies’ Technology Atlas includes all documentations related to product introduction and the resident/member companies’ services such as product/service introduction, the relevant domain of technology, technical specifications, main customers and their depth of technology in accordance with the specialized arbitrations done based on the evaluation of the companies’ performance until the end of 2019-2020.

In fact, ICT Park’s Technology Atlas is the official ID card for the products of the Techno-companies based in the Park. This Technology Atlas consists of the introduction of 196 products from 38 Techno-companies located in the Park, which during a solid and exact arbitration process and through the work of experts and professional referees has been gathered. 

The compilation process of this Atlas began in January 20 , 2021 and ended in April 9, 2021. Also, this Atlas was published in April 20, 2021 in Persian in 444 pages.

Moreover, each product is evaluated by a specialized scientific referee. Through  this evaluation, the product’s depth of technology (the percentage of the technology that belongs to the manufacturer and its complexity) is determined. As a result of this arbitration procedure, all selected products, depending on their depth of technology, have been divided into the following three categories:

  1. “Products with depth of technology A” ,
  2. “Products with depth of technology B” ,
  3. “Products with depth of technology C”.

Based on this categorization, 74 products with depth of technology A, 119 products with depth of technology B , and 3 products with depth of technology C have been identified.

*The introduction section of this Atlas contains:

“Economic development based on Knowledge Economy relies on Technological Development and Quality Enhancement.” This can also be considered as one of the main factors in production and export boom. The basis of any National planning for improving the quality and deepening the technology is the recognition of the present situation and attainment of a map of the country’s current condition in the different areas of technology. 

Because of its mission, which is directed at helping the technological deepening of the member companies, and also in line with its responsibility which revolves around the identification of Techno-companies and issuing Activity Permits for them, ICT Park engages in the assessment of the companies and their products, annually.

The present report is the result of the 2019-2020 evaluation of the Park’s products. The current booklet is not an advertising booklet, but a scientific report of the products presented by the Park’s companies. For this purpose, each product is evaluated by an expert scientific referee and the technological depth of the product (the percentage of technology belonging to the manufacturer and its complexity) is determined through this evaluation.   

The assessment’s outcome is then announced to the manufacturing company so that they can make complaints in case of finding the assessment erroneous, and the arbitration process will be repeated. 

What is now presented to you in this report, is the resultant information after the completion of this procedure. This information, apart from having advertising value, have executive application in the two following subjects:

  1. Planning for provision of financial support for quality enhancement and improvement of the products’ technical specifications, with the aim of increasing their competitiveness. In this regard, the Technology Atlas can be of use to organizations such as the Presidential Innovation and Prosperity Fund.
  2. Helping the achievement of the goals set by the “Domestic Products’ Protection Law”. In this respect, ICT Park’s Technology Atlas can be used by the Ministry of Industry, Mining, and Trade in supporting domestic manufacturing.

It is hoped that this small yet firm and foundational move made by ICT Park, will be used as a template for other Parks and Industries so that, in the near future, all of the country’s products and their technological depth are accurately identified in the form of Technology Atlases of different areas.”

tags: ict park ICT Park’s Resident/Member Companies’ Technology Atlas Technology Atlas

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