The Number of ICT Park’s Member Techno-Companies Increased to 55

16 September 2021 | 10:43 Code : 269 News and Events
ICT Park’s PR: Dr. Zahra Gharoon, the responsible manager for the Education and Admission department of the Information and Communications Technology Park, announced the increase in ICT Park’s member Techno-companies to 55 companies.
The Number of ICT Park’s Member Techno-Companies Increased to 55

Dr. Zahra Gharoon added that “The most important principle and purpose of the admission process is to make sure that the quality level and capabilities of the company meet the prerequisites for obtaining membership in the ICT Park. Therefore, based on the latest admission, the number of ICT Park’s member companies has increased to 55.”

She further clarified: “in order to support the young and developed Techno-units in the field of Information and Communications Technology and for providing services to them, the Information and Communications Technology Park (ICT) will proceed to admit and locate Techno-units.”

The admission of the applicant technology-based units is made during the yearly calls. “The decision-making about the acceptance of Techno-units is done by the Park’s Admission Council and based on the evaluation results of the applicant techno-units, on the three axes of " company’s technological status”, “human resources status”, and “company's financial status”, she stated.

Dr. Gharoon, with regards to the supportive service provider companies, reiterated: “in addition to the young or developed companies active in the field of ICT, the supportive service provider companies  are also admitted to the Park.”

With regards to the post-admission procedures of the applicant companies, Dr. Gharoon remarked: “after reception, the company is introduced to Techno-units Development Center so that the necessary coordination is made for signing the admission contract.”

The responsible manager for ICT Park’s Education and Admission Department, with respect to ICT Park’s annual assessment process, stated: “the companies who are members of ICT Park and whose contract with the Park was signed 6 months ago, are included in the annual assessment, irrespective of whether they are established in the Park or not. 

The annual assessment is carried out based on the three axes of “company’s technological status”, “human resources status”, and “company's financial status”.

Finally, she concluded: “according to the evaluation results, companies with good and acceptable scores in the field of Technology can remain as a member of the Park and will receive an Activity Permit. However, if a company scores low in the field of Technology, or does not participate in the annual evaluation, it will be subject to a warning notice. If such a company receives a low score for  two consecutive assessment periods or does not participate in the annual evaluation for two consecutive periods or three nonconsecutive periods, its membership in the Park will be revoked and the company should then leave the Park. 

Also, obtaining low scores in all three areas of technology, finance, and human capital would result in the revocation of the company’s membership in the Park”.

tags: ict park Techno-Companies The Number of ICT Park’s Member increase

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