Running the Workshop of “Modern Governance in ICT Parks,” hosted by ICT Park

17 June 2021 | 14:40 Code : 187 News and Events
ICT Park’s PR: The workshop of “Modern Governance in ICT Parks” designed for the secretaries of the decuple districts’ coordinating councils, and public relation managers of ICT Parks and the universities across the country, and hosted by the Information and Communication Technology Park (ICT) and the public relations of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, was held on June 16, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The workshop was run by attendance and also held online in the Skyroom platform.
Running the Workshop of “Modern Governance in ICT Parks,” hosted by ICT Park

In this educational workshop which aimed at discussing  issues and introducing  new requirements in the governance of ICT Parks, the following lectures were presented:

Dr.Mohammad Jafar Sadigh Damghanizadeh, President of ICT Park: “Modern Governance in ICT Parks- an Introduction to the History of ICT Parks’ development in Iran”;
Dr. Neda Sharifi, Head Supervisor of the main office of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology: “The Importance of Effective Interaction in the Activities of ICT parks’ Public Relations ”;
Dr. Ehsan Chitsaz, Deputy of Market Development of ICT Park”: “Standardization of the Modern Enterprises through Providing Comprehensive Finance”;
Dr. Abbas Ghanbari Baghestan, Advisor of Communications and International Relations of ICT Park: “The Necessity of “Standardization” for the Governance of ICT Parks”;
Engr. Mohammad Ali Jafari, Manager of ICT park’s development center for the technological Units: “Presentation of Digital Economy Development Network.”
In addition to the Director-General of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology’s public relations, ten secretaries of the public relations of the decuple districts of the Ministry attended the workshop in person, and more than 150 public relation managers of ICT Parks’ and Universities across the country took part online.


tags: iCT Park’s Public Relations The Workshop of “Modern Governance in ICT Parks Jafar Sadigh Damghanizadeh

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